AWT Color类
public class Color extends Object implements Paint, Serializable
static Color black -- The color black.
static Color BLACK -- The color black.
static Color blue -- The color blue.
static Color BLUE -- The color blue.
static Color cyan -- The color cyan.
static Color CYAN -- The color cyan.
static Color DARK_GRAY -- The color dark gray.
static Color darkGray -- The color dark gray.
static Color gray -- The color gray.
static Color GRAY -- The color gray.
static Color green -- The color green.
static Color GREEN -- The color green.
static Color LIGHT_GRAY -- The color light gray.
static Color lightGray -- The color light gray.
static Color magenta -- The color magenta.
static Color MAGENTA -- The color magenta.
static Color orange -- The color orange.
static Color ORANGE -- The color orange.
static Color pink -- The color pink.
static Color PINK -- The color pink.
static Color red -- The color red.
static Color RED -- The color red.
static Color white -- The color white.
static Color WHITE -- The color white.
static Color yellow -- The color yellow.
static Color YELLOW -- The color yellow.
S.N. | 构造函数与说明 |
1 |
Color(ColorSpace cspace, float[] components, float alpha) Creates a color in the specified ColorSpace with the color components specified in the float array and the specified alpha. |
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Color(float r, float g, float b) Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified red, green, and blue values in the range (0.0 - 1.0). |
3 |
Color(float r, float g, float b, float a) Creates an sRGB color with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values in the range (0.0 - 1.0). |
4 |
Color(int rgb) Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified combined RGB value consisting of the red component in bits 16-23, the green component in bits 8-15, and the blue component in bits 0-7. |
5 |
Color(int rgba, boolean hasalpha) Creates an sRGB color with the specified combined RGBA value consisting of the alpha component in bits 24-31, the red component in bits 16-23, the green component in bits 8-15, and the blue component in bits 0-7. |
6 |
Color(int r, int g, int b) Creates an opaque sRGB color with the specified red, green, and blue values in the range (0 - 255). |
7 |
Color(int r, int g, int b, int a) Creates an sRGB color with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values in the range (0 - 255). |
S.N. | 方法和说明 |
1 |
Color brighter() Creates a new Color that is a brighter version of this Color. |
2 |
PaintContext createContext(ColorModel cm, Rectangle r, Rectangle2D r2d, AffineTransform xform, RenderingHints hints) Creates and returns a PaintContext used to generate a solid color pattern. |
3 |
Color darker() Creates a new Color that is a darker version of this Color. |
4 |
static Color decode(String nm) Converts a String to an integer and returns the specified opaque Color. |
5 |
boolean equals(Object obj) Determines whether another object is equal to this Color. |
6 |
int getAlpha() Returns the alpha component in the range 0-255. |
7 |
int getBlue() Returns the blue component in the range 0-255 in the default sRGB space. |
8 |
static Color getColor(String nm) Finds a color in the system properties. |
9 |
static Color getColor(String nm, Color v) Finds a color in the system properties. |
10 |
static Color getColor(String nm, int v) Finds a color in the system properties. |
11 |
float[] getColorComponents(ColorSpace cspace, float[] compArray) Returns a float array containing only the color components of the Color in the ColorSpace specified by the cspace parameter. |
12 |
float[] getColorComponents(float[] compArray) Returns a float array containing only the color components of the Color, in the ColorSpace of the Color. |
13 |
ColorSpace getColorSpace() Returns the ColorSpace of this Color. |
14 |
float[] getComponents(ColorSpace cspace, float[] compArray) Returns a float array containing the color and alpha components of the Color, in the ColorSpace specified by the cspace parameter. |
15 |
float[] getComponents(float[] compArray) Returns a float array containing the color and alpha components of the Color, in the ColorSpace of the Color. |
16 |
int getGreen() Returns the green component in the range 0-255 in the default sRGB space. |
17 |
static Color getHSBColor(float h, float s, float b) Creates a Color object based on the specified values for the HSB color model. |
18 |
int getRed() Returns the red component in the range 0-255 in the default sRGB space. |
19 |
int getRGB() Returns the RGB value representing the color in the default sRGB ColorModel. |
20 |
float[] getRGBColorComponents(float[] compArray) Returns a float array containing only the color components of the Color, in the default sRGB color space. |
21 |
float[] getRGBComponents(float[] compArray) Returns a float array containing the color and alpha components of the Color, as represented in the default sRGB color space. |
22 |
int getTransparency() Returns the transparency mode for this Color. |
23 |
int hashCode() Computes the hash code for this Color. |
24 |
static int HSBtoRGB(float hue, float saturation, float brightness) Converts the components of a color, as specified by the HSB model, to an equivalent set of values for the default RGB model. |
25 |
static float[] RGBtoHSB(int r, int g, int b, float[] hsbvals) Converts the components of a color, as specified by the default RGB model, to an equivalent set of values for hue, saturation, and brightness that are the three components of the HSB model. |
26 |
String toString() Returns a string representation of this Color. |
Color 实例
选择使用任何编辑器创建以下java程序D:/ > AWT > com > yiibai > gui >
AWTGraphicsDemo.javapackage com.yiibai.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; public class AWTGraphicsDemo extends Frame { public AWTGraphicsDemo(){ super("Java AWT Examples"); prepareGUI(); } public static void main(String[] args){ AWTGraphicsDemo awtGraphicsDemo = new AWTGraphicsDemo(); awtGraphicsDemo.setVisible(true); } private void prepareGUI(){ setSize(400,400); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent){ System.exit(0); } }); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; Font plainFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 24); g2.setFont(plainFont); g2.setColor(; g2.drawString("Welcome to TutorialsPoint", 50, 70); g2.setColor(Color.GRAY); g2.drawString("Welcome to TutorialsPoint", 50, 120); } }
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