AWT Dialog类
public class Dialog extends Window
static Dialog.ModalityType DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE -- 默认模态对话框的模态类型.
S.N. | 构造函数&说明 |
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Dialog(Dialog owner) Constructs an initially invisible, modeless Dialog with the specified owner Dialog and an empty title. |
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Dialog(Dialog owner, String title) Constructs an initially invisible, modeless Dialog with the specified owner Dialog and title. |
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Dialog(Dialog owner, String title, boolean modal) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Dialog, title, and modality. |
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Dialog(Dialog owner, String title, boolean modal, GraphicsConfiguration gc) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Dialog, title, modality and GraphicsConfiguration. |
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Dialog(Frame owner) Constructs an initially invisible, modeless Dialog with the specified owner Frame and an empty title. |
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Dialog(Frame owner, boolean modal) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Frame and modality and an empty title. |
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Dialog(Frame owner, String title) Constructs an initially invisible, modeless Dialog with the specified owner Frame and title. |
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Dialog(Frame owner, String title, boolean modal) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Frame, title and modality. |
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Dialog(Frame owner, String title, boolean modal, GraphicsConfiguration gc) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Frame, title, modality, and GraphicsConfiguration. |
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Dialog(Window owner) Constructs an initially invisible, modeless Dialog with the specified owner Window and an empty title. |
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Dialog(Window owner, Dialog.ModalityType modalityType) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Window and modality and an empty title. |
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Dialog(Window owner, String title) Constructs an initially invisible, modeless Dialog with the specified owner Window and title. |
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Dialog(Window owner, String title, Dialog.ModalityType modalityType) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Window, title and modality. |
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Dialog(Window owner, String title, Dialog.ModalityType modalityType, GraphicsConfiguration gc) Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with the specified owner Window, title, modality and GraphicsConfiguration |
S.N. | 方法&说明 |
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void addNotify() Makes this Dialog displayable by connecting it to a native screen resource. |
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AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this Dialog. |
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Dialog.ModalityType getModalityType() Returns the modality type of this dialog. |
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String getTitle() Gets the title of the dialog. |
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void hide() Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by setVisible(boolean). |
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boolean isModal() Indicates whether the dialog is modal. |
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boolean isResizable() Indicates whether this dialog is resizable by the user. |
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boolean isUndecorated() Indicates whether this dialog is undecorated. |
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protected String paramString() Returns a string representing the state of this dialog. |
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void setModal(boolean modal) Specifies whether this dialog should be modal. |
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void setModalityType(Dialog.ModalityType type) Sets the modality type for this dialog. |
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void setResizable(boolean resizable) Sets whether this dialog is resizable by the user. |
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void setTitle(String title) Sets the title of the Dialog. |
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void setUndecorated(boolean undecorated) Disables or enables decorations for this dialog. |
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void setVisible(boolean b) Shows or hides this Dialog depending on the value of parameter b. |
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void show() Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by setVisible(boolean). |
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void toBack() If this Window is visible, sends this Window to the back and may cause it to lose focus or activation if it is the focused or active Window. |
Choice 实例
选择使用任何编辑器创建以下java程序 D:/ > AWT > com > yiibai > gui >
AwtControlDemopackage com.yiibai.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class AwtControlDemo { private Frame mainFrame; private Label headerLabel; private Label statusLabel; private Panel controlPanel; public AwtControlDemo(){ prepareGUI(); } public static void main(String[] args){ AwtControlDemo awtControlDemo = new AwtControlDemo(); awtControlDemo.showDialogDemo(); } private void prepareGUI(){ mainFrame = new Frame("Java AWT Examples"); mainFrame.setSize(400,400); mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent){ System.exit(0); } }); headerLabel = new Label(); headerLabel.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); statusLabel = new Label(); statusLabel.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); statusLabel.setSize(350,100); controlPanel = new Panel(); controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); mainFrame.add(headerLabel); mainFrame.add(controlPanel); mainFrame.add(statusLabel); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } private void showDialogDemo(){ headerLabel.setText("Control in action: Dialog"); Button showAboutDialogButton = new Button("Show About Dialog"); showAboutDialogButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AboutDialog aboutDialog = new AboutDialog(mainFrame); aboutDialog.setVisible(true); } }); controlPanel.add(showAboutDialogButton); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } class AboutDialog extends Dialog { public AboutDialog(Frame parent){ super(parent, true); setBackground(Color.gray); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.add(new Button("Close")); add("South", panel); setSize(200,200); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent){ dispose(); } }); } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg){ if(arg.equals("Close")){ dispose(); return true; } return false; } public void paint(Graphics g){ g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("TutorialsPoint.Com", 25,70 ); g.drawString("Version 1.0", 60, 90); } } }
编译程序,使用命令提示符。到 D:/ > AWT 然后键入以下命令。
D:AWT>java com.yiibai.gui.AwtControlDemo