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名称 描述
ABS() Returns the absolute value of numeric expression.
ACOS() Returns the arccosine of numeric expression. Returns NULL if the value is not in the range -1 to 1.
ASIN() Returns the arcsine of numeric expression. Returns NULL if value is not in the range -1 to 1
ATAN() Returns the arctangent of numeric expression.
ATAN2() Returns the arctangent of the two variables passed to it.
BIT_AND() Returns the bitwise AND all the bits in expression.
BIT_COUNT() Returns the string representation of the binary value passed to it.
BIT_OR() Returns the bitwise OR of all the bits in the passed expression.
CEIL() Returns the smallest integer value that is not less than passed numeric expression
CEILING() Returns the smallest integer value that is not less than passed numeric expression
CONV() Convert numeric expression from one base to another.
COS() Returns the cosine of passed numeric expression. The numeric expression should be expressed in radians.
COT() Returns the cotangent of passed numeric expression.
DEGREES() Returns numeric expression converted from radians to degrees.
EXP() Returns the base of the natural logarithm (e) raised to the power of passed numeric expression.
FLOOR() Returns the largest integer value that is not greater than passed numeric expression.
FORMAT() Returns a numeric expression rounded to a number of decimal places.
GREATEST() Returns the largest value of the input expressions.
INTERVAL() Takes multiple expressions exp1, exp2 and exp3 so on.. and returns 0 if exp1 is less than exp2, returns 1 if exp1 is less than exp3 and so on.
LEAST() Returns the minimum-valued input when given two or more.
LOG() Returns the natural logarithm of the passed numeric expression.
LOG10() Returns the base-10 logarithm of the passed numeric expression.
MOD() Returns the remainder of one expression by diving by another expression.
OCT() Returns the string representation of the octal value of the passed numeric expression. Returns NULL if passed value is NULL.
PI() Returns the value of pi
POW() Returns the value of one expression raised to the power of another expression
POWER() Returns the value of one expression raised to the power of another expression
RADIANS() Returns the value of passed expression converted from degrees to radians.
ROUND() Returns numeric expression rounded to an integer. Can be used to round an expression to a number of decimal points
SIN() Returns the sine of numeric expression given in radians.
SQRT() Returns the non-negative square root of numeric expression.
STD() Returns the standard deviation of the numeric expression.
STDDEV() Returns the standard deviation of the numeric expression.
TAN() Returns the tangent of numeric expression expressed in radians.
TRUNCATE() Returns numeric exp1 truncated to exp2 decimal places. If exp2 is 0, then the result will have no decimal point.