untie VARIABLE |
0 - 失败
1 - 成功
#!/usr/bin/perl -w package MyArray; sub TIEARRAY { print "TYING\n"; bless []; } sub DESTROY { print "DESTROYING\n"; } sub STORE{ my ($self, $index, $value ) = @_; print "STORING $value at index $index\n"; $self[$index] = $value; } sub FETCH { my ($self, $index ) = @_; print "FETCHING the value at index $index\n"; return $self[$index]; } #by www.gitbook.net package main; $object = tie @x, MyArray; #@x is now a MyArray array; print "object is a ", ref($object), "\n"; $x[0] = 'This is test'; #this will call STORE(); print $x[0], "\n"; #this will call FETCH(); print $object->FETCH(0), "\n"; untie @x #now @x is a normal array again.
object is a MyArray
STORING This is test at index 0
FETCHING the value at index 0
This is test
FETCHING the value at index 0
This is test