CSV importer是一个PHP文件,它可以帮助您使用CSV所有数据文件导入MySQL数据库。源文件csv_importer.php也可作为示例在线教程。
打开Dreamweaver或记事本编辑器,并创建新的PHP页面,并将它命名import.php 现在,在您的网页csv_importer.php文件中包含.
上面的在线教程脚本@2014 by gitbook.net
include ( "csv_importer.php" );用于连接MySQL数据库,请写下面这些代码
$conn = @mysql_connect("localhost","root","password");现在,选择数据库中包含
//create new importer object for importing data $c = new CSV_Importer; //display log errors at end $c->log_errors = true; //skip the very first row in CSV file $c->skip_top = true; //Type of Server (default MYSQL), you can also use this MSSQL and PGSQL $c->server = MYSQL; //Database Table where File will be imported $c->table = "yourtablename";现在必须根据CSV文件的模板来设置表的列:
$result = $c->import("Your_CSV_Name.csv",$conn);现在,在网页csv_importer.php文件如下。
if($result === FALSE){ //there was some error importing data $c->DumpErrors(); }else { //Your data imported successfully, it will print number of rows inserted. print "Total records inserted are $result in table $c->table"; }关闭MySQL连接
class CSV_Importer { var $fields=false; var $table=false; var $skip_top=false; var $log_errors=true; var $errors=Array(); var $server=0; var $line_size = 0; function SetColumnSequence() { $argc = func_num_args(); $arg1 = func_get_arg(0); if(!is_string($arg1) ) die("warning - Argument to CSV_Importer::SetColumnSequence must be a string "); $this->fields = explode(",",trim(str_Replace(" ","",$arg1))); } function getCSVArray($csv,$skip_first=false) { $ret = Array(); $f = fopen($csv,"r"); if($skip_first) $first_row = fgetcsv($f,$this->line_size); while($csv_row = fgetcsv($f,$this->line_size)) { if(count($csv_row)==1 and trim($csv_row[0]) == "") #empty row continue; foreach($csv_row as $ke => $va) { $va = str_replace('"',"\"",trim($va)); //$va = str_replace(" "," ",$va); $csv_row[$ke] = $va;//str_replace(" "," ",$va); } $ret []= $csv_row; } fclose($f); return $ret; } function import($filename,$conn=false) { if(!is_array($this->fields)) die("warning - Set fields first using CSV_Importer::SetColumnSequence "); if(!is_string($this->table)) die("warning - Set table first, CSV_Importer->table ="tablename"; "); $rows = $this->getCSVArray($filename,$this->skip_top); $fields = Array(); $skips = Array(); $x=0; foreach($this->fields as $field) { if(trim($field)=="") $skips []= $x; else $fields []= "`$field`"; $x++; } $this->errors = Array(); $x=1; foreach($rows as $row) { if(count($row)==0) continue; if(!empty($skips)) { foreach($skips as $index) unset($row[$index]); } if(empty($row)) continue; if(count($row) < count($fields)) $fields = array_slice($fields,0,count($row)); if(count($fields) < count($row)) $row = array_slice($row,0,count($fields)); $nfields = implode(",",$fields); $row = """.implode("","",$row)."""; $query = "INSERT INTO `$this->table` ($nfields) values($row)"; switch($this->server) { case 0: $qFunc = "mysql_query"; break; case 1: $qFunc = "mssql_query"; break; case 2: $qFunc = "pg_query"; break; } $r = @$qFunc($query,$conn); if(!$r and $this->log_errors) $this->errors []= "Row#$x: ($query)". mysql_error(); $x++; } if(!empty($this->errors)) return FALSE; return $x; } function DumpErrors() { echo implode(" ",$this->errors); } }; define('MYSQL', 0); #MySQL Server define('MSSQL', 1); #Microsoft SQL Server define('PGSQL', 2); #Postgre SQL Server ?>
上面的在线教程脚本@2014 by gitbook.net