Swing JComboBox
以下是声明的 javax.swing.JComboBox类:
public class JComboBox extends JComponent implements ItemSelectable, ListDataListener, ActionListener, Accessible
protected String actionCommand -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected ComboBoxModel dataModel -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected ComboBoxEditor editor -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected boolean isEditable -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected JComboBox.KeySelectionManager keySelectionManager -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected boolean lightWeightPopupEnabled -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected int maximumRowCount -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected ListCellRenderer renderer -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
protected Object selectedItemReminder -- 这个受保护的字段具体实现。
S.N. | 构造函数 & 描述 |
1 |
JComboBox() Creates a JComboBox with a default data model. |
2 |
JComboBox(ComboBoxModel aModel) Creates a JComboBox that takes its items from an existing ComboBoxModel. |
3 |
JComboBox(Object[] items) Creates a JComboBox that contains the elements in the specified array. |
4 |
JComboBox(Vector<?> items) Creates a JComboBox that contains the elements in the specified Vector. |
S.N. | 方法 & 描述 |
1 |
void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) This method is public as an implementation side effect. |
2 |
protected void actionPropertyChanged(Action action, String propertyName) Updates the combobox's state in response to property changes in associated action. |
3 |
void addActionListener(ActionListener l) Adds an ActionListener. |
4 |
void addItem(Object anObject) Adds an item to the item list. |
5 |
void addItemListener(ItemListener aListener) Adds an ItemListener. |
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void addPopupMenuListener(PopupMenuListener l) Adds a PopupMenu listener which will listen to notification messages from the popup portion of the combo box. |
7 |
void configureEditor(ComboBoxEditor anEditor, Object anItem) Initializes the editor with the specified item. |
8 |
protected void configurePropertiesFromAction(Action a) Sets the properties on this combobox to match those in the specified Action. |
9 |
void contentsChanged(ListDataEvent e) This method is public as an implementation side effect. |
10 |
protected PropertyChangeListener createActionPropertyChangeListener(Action a) Creates and returns a PropertyChangeListener that is responsible for listening for changes from the specified Action and updating the appropriate properties. |
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protected JComboBox.KeySelectionManager createDefaultKeySelectionManager() Returns an instance of the default key-selection manager. |
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protected void fireActionEvent() Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
13 |
protected void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) Notifies all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. |
14 |
void firePopupMenuCanceled() Notifies PopupMenuListeners that the popup portion of the combo box has been canceled. |
15 |
void firePopupMenuWillBecomeInvisible() Notifies PopupMenuListeners that the popup portion of the combo box has become invisible. |
16 |
void firePopupMenuWillBecomeVisible() Notifies PopupMenuListeners that the popup portion of the combo box will become visible. |
17 |
AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JComboBox. |
18 |
Action getAction() Returns the currently set Action for this ActionEvent source, or null if no Action is set. |
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String getActionCommand() Returns the action command that is included in the event sent to action listeners. |
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ActionListener[] getActionListeners() Returns an array of all the ActionListeners added to this JComboBox with addActionListener(). |
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ComboBoxEditor getEditor() Returns the editor used to paint and edit the selected item in the JComboBox field. |
22 |
Object getItemAt(int index) Returns the list item at the specified index. |
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int getItemCount() Returns the number of items in the list. |
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ItemListener[] getItemListeners() Returns an array of all the ItemListeners added to this JComboBox with addItemListener(). |
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JComboBox.KeySelectionManager getKeySelectionManager() Returns the list's key-selection manager. |
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int getMaximumRowCount() Returns the maximum number of items the combo box can display without a scrollbar. |
27 |
ComboBoxModel getModel() Returns the data model currently used by the JComboBox. |
28 |
PopupMenuListener[] getPopupMenuListeners() Returns an array of all the PopupMenuListeners added to this JComboBox with addPopupMenuListener(). |
29 |
Object getPrototypeDisplayValue() Returns the "prototypical display" value - an Object used for the calculation of the display height and width. |
30 |
ListCellRenderer getRenderer() Returns the renderer used to display the selected item in the JComboBox field. |
31 |
int getSelectedIndex() Returns the first item in the list that matches the given item. |
32 |
Object getSelectedItem() Returns the current selected item. |
33 |
Object[] getSelectedObjects() Returns an array containing the selected item. |
34 |
ComboBoxUI getUI() Returns the L&F object that renders this component. |
35 |
String getUIClassID() Returns the name of the L&F class that renders this component. |
36 |
void hidePopup() Causes the combo box to close its popup window. |
37 |
void insertItemAt(Object anObject, int index) Inserts an item into the item list at a given index. |
38 | protected void installAncestorListener() |
39 |
void intervalAdded(ListDataEvent e) This method is public as an implementation side effect. |
40 |
void intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent e) This method is public as an implementation side effect. |
41 |
boolean isEditable() Returns true if the JComboBox is editable. |
42 |
boolean isLightWeightPopupEnabled() Gets the value of the lightWeightPopupEnabled property. |
43 |
boolean isPopupVisible() Determines the visibility of the popup. |
44 |
protected String paramString() Returns a string representation of this JComboBox. |
45 |
void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) Handles KeyEvents, looking for the Tab key. |
46 |
void removeActionListener(ActionListener l) Removes an ActionListener. |
47 |
void removeAllItems() Removes all items from the item list. |
48 |
void removeItem(Object anObject) Removes an item from the item list. |
49 |
void removeItemAt(int anIndex) Removes the item at anIndex This method works only if the JComboBox uses a mutable data model. |
50 |
void removeItemListener(ItemListener aListener) Removes an ItemListener. |
51 |
void removePopupMenuListener(PopupMenuListener l) Removes a PopupMenuListener. |
52 |
protected void selectedItemChanged() This protected method is implementation specific. |
53 |
boolean selectWithKeyChar(char keyChar) Selects the list item that corresponds to the specified keyboard character and returns true, if there is an item corresponding to that character. |
54 |
void setAction(Action a) Sets the Action for the ActionEvent source. |
55 |
void setActionCommand(String aCommand) Sets the action command that should be included in the event sent to action listeners. |
56 |
void setEditable(boolean aFlag) Determines whether the JComboBox field is editable. |
57 |
void setEditor(ComboBoxEditor anEditor) Sets the editor used to paint and edit the selected item in the JComboBox field. |
58 |
void setEnabled(boolean b) Enables the combo box so that items can be selected. |
59 |
void setKeySelectionManager(JComboBox.KeySelectionManager aManager) Sets the object that translates a keyboard character into a list selection. |
60 |
void setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean aFlag) Sets the lightWeightPopupEnabled property, which provides a hint as to whether or not a lightweight Component should be used to contain the JComboBox, versus a heavyweight Component such as a Panel or a Window. |
61 |
void setMaximumRowCount(int count) Sets the maximum number of rows the JComboBox displays. |
62 |
void setModel(ComboBoxModel aModel) Sets the data model that the JComboBox uses to obtain the list of items. |
63 |
void setPopupVisible(boolean v) Sets the visibility of the popup. |
64 |
void setPrototypeDisplayValue(Object prototypeDisplayValue) Sets the prototype display value used to calculate the size of the display for the UI portion. |
65 |
void setRenderer(ListCellRenderer aRenderer) Sets the renderer that paints the list items and the item selected from the list in the JComboBox field. |
66 |
void setSelectedIndex(int anIndex) Selects the item at index anIndex. |
67 |
void setSelectedItem(Object anObject) Sets the selected item in the combo box display area to the object in the argument. |
68 |
void setUI(ComboBoxUI ui) Sets the L&F object that renders this component. |
69 |
void showPopup() Causes the combo box to display its popup window. |
70 |
void updateUI() Resets the UI property to a value from the current look and feel. |
JComboBox 例子
选择使用任何编辑器创建以下java程序在 D:/ > SWING > com > yiibai > gui >
SwingControlDemo.javapackage com.yiibai.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class SwingControlDemo { private JFrame mainFrame; private JLabel headerLabel; private JLabel statusLabel; private JPanel controlPanel; public SwingControlDemo(){ prepareGUI(); } public static void main(String[] args){ SwingControlDemo swingControlDemo = new SwingControlDemo(); swingControlDemo.showComboboxDemo(); } private void prepareGUI(){ mainFrame = new JFrame("Java Swing Examples"); mainFrame.setSize(400,400); mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1)); mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent){ System.exit(0); } }); headerLabel = new JLabel("", JLabel.CENTER); statusLabel = new JLabel("",JLabel.CENTER); statusLabel.setSize(350,100); controlPanel = new JPanel(); controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); mainFrame.add(headerLabel); mainFrame.add(controlPanel); mainFrame.add(statusLabel); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } private void showComboboxDemo(){ headerLabel.setText("Control in action: JComboBox"); final DefaultComboBoxModel fruitsName = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); fruitsName.addElement("Apple"); fruitsName.addElement("Grapes"); fruitsName.addElement("Mango"); fruitsName.addElement("Peer"); final JComboBox fruitCombo = new JComboBox(fruitsName); fruitCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); JScrollPane fruitListScrollPane = new JScrollPane(fruitCombo); JButton showButton = new JButton("Show"); showButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String data = ""; if (fruitCombo.getSelectedIndex() != -1) { data = "Fruits Selected: " + fruitCombo.getItemAt (fruitCombo.getSelectedIndex()); } statusLabel.setText(data); } }); controlPanel.add(fruitListScrollPane); controlPanel.add(showButton); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } }
编译程序,使用命令提示符。到 D:/ > SWING 然后输出以下命令。
D:SWING>javac comyiibaiguiSwingControlDemo.java
D:SWING>java com.yiibai.gui.SwingControlDemo