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一个指向C++类作为一个指向的结构和访问指针成员使用成员访问运算符类 -> 操作符的方式完全相同,就像指针结构。在使用指针时,必须在使用前初始化指针。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Box
      // Constructor definition
      Box(double l=2.0, double b=2.0, double h=2.0)
         cout <<"Constructor called." << endl;
         length = l;
         breadth = b;
         height = h;
      double Volume()
         return length * breadth * height;
      double length;     // Length of a box
      double breadth;    // Breadth of a box
      double height;     // Height of a box

int main(void)
   Box Box1(3.3, 1.2, 1.5);    // Declare box1
   Box Box2(8.5, 6.0, 2.0);    // Declare box2
   Box *ptrBox;                // Declare yiibaier to a class.

   // Save the address of first object
   ptrBox = &Box1;

   // Now try to access a member using member access operator
   cout << "Volume of Box1: " << ptrBox->Volume() << endl;

   // Save the address of first object
   ptrBox = &Box2;

   // Now try to access a member using member access operator
   cout << "Volume of Box2: " << ptrBox->Volume() << endl;
   return 0;


Constructor called.
Constructor called.
Volume of Box1: 5.94
Volume of Box2: 102