+ addition - subtraction * multiplication / division
== equality != inequality < less than > greater than <= less than or equal >= greater than or equal
eq equality ne inequality lt less than gt greater than le less than or equal ge greater than or equal
&& and || or ! not
(与,或和不只是在上述操作的说明表 - 他们还支持运算符在他们自己权利,他们是比C风格的运算符更可读,但有不同的优先级,比&&友好。
= assignment . string concatenation x string multiplication .. range operator (creates a list of numbers - by
$a += 1; # same as $a = $a + 1 $a -= 1; # same as $a = $a - 1 $a .= "\n"; # same as $a = $a . "\n";
left terms and list operators (leftward) left -> nonassoc ++ -- right ** right ! ~ \ and unary + and - left =~ !~ left * / % x left + - . left << >> nonassoc named unary operators nonassoc < > <= >= lt gt le ge nonassoc == != <=> eq ne cmp left & left | ^ left && left || nonassoc .. ... right ?: right = += -= *= etc. left , => nonassoc list operators (rightward) right not left and left or xor