MATLAB 嵌套switch语句
这是可能的的switch 一部分外 switch 语句序列。即使case 常量的内部和外部的switch 含有共同的值,没有冲突出现。
switch(ch1) case 'A' fprintf('This A is part of outer switch'); switch(ch2) case 'A' fprintf('This A is part of inner switch' ); case 'B' fprintf('This B is part of inner switch' ); end case 'B' fprintf('This B is part of outer switch' ); end
a = 100; b = 200; switch(a) case 100 fprintf('This is part of outer switch %d ', a ); switch(b) case 200 fprintf('This is part of inner switch %d ', a ); end end fprintf('Exact value of a is : %d ', a ); fprintf('Exact value of b is : %d ', b );
This is part of outer switch 100 This is part of inner switch 100 Exact value of a is : 100 Exact value of b is : 200